Westbridge Residential School
Tumuaki | Principal
The Board is in the process of making an application to the Ministry of Education for the Principal recruitment allowance.
(There is no guarantee of acceptance, but all applicants need to be aware).
Massey, Auckland
Students aged 8 - 15
U4 | Roll 32
An Exciting Opportunity Awaits
Westbridge Residential School is a dynamic educational community with a strong, committed senior leadership team who will support our new principal to take Westbridge to the next level.
The school supports ākonga aged between 8 to 15 with behavioural challenges with the aim to transitioning them back into mainstream schools or vocational training.
The school has a notional roll of 32, a current roll of 11 ākonga and 50 kaiako. The school provides 24-hour care, seven days a week with students who are typically enrolled with us for between 12-18 months.
The board will pay concurrence to the successful applicant. This will be 20% of a U4 Base Salary as per the Primary Principals Collective Agreement.
We are looking forward to welcoming a new principal who:
- Is willing to engage and work collaboratively with whānau, hapū and iwi in the best interests of ākonga
- Can initiate, develop and sustain strong relationships with mana whenua, Te Kawerau ā Maki, and external agencies such as ERO and the Ministry of Education
- Understands trauma informed, inclusive education and mana-enhancing leadership
- Is experienced working with students to develop positive and pro-social behaviours
- Develops a safe, stable and inclusive culture where young people can thrive and flourish
- Is visible, warm and a team player, leveraging the skills and expertise of a highly competent teaching and support staff
- Has strengths in school systems, finances, and strategic planning
- Takes the safety and mana of our ākonga and kaiako very seriously by building and maintaining relationships and working collaboratively in the management of risk.
Applications close 1:00 pm Friday 28 February 2025.
Position commences Term 2 2025.
Details to arrange a visit to the kura are on page 6 of the application pack.
If you have any queries, please email or phone Tanya Prentice on 09 953 0523 or email Nicky Knight