Jan Hill
M Ed Admin (Hons); Adv Dip Tchg; Accredited Coach GCI, EMCC Senior Practitioner
Jan is a founding Director of The Education Group and has an extensive teaching and school leadership background. Jan works as a consultant and facilitator in Primary, Intermediate and Secondary schools throughout New Zealand - state, integrated, and private - in a wide range of roles. She has been a Board Chair of three different schools and has expertise in all areas of school governance, leadership and management. Jan is totally committed to supporting schools to enact Te Tiriti o Waitangi and embedding culturally responsive practice.
In a previous role as a researcher and facilitator at Massey University’s Albany Campus Jan led and facilitated many Ministry of Education research and development contracts in leadership, governance, and effective classroom practice, including assessment for learning. She is now directing and facilitating numerous MOE contracts with schools and Kāhui Ako with a focus on designing all aspects of a Local Curriculum.
Jan has worked extensively with principals and senior leadership teams in the areas of leadership, strategic planning, leading change, school organisation, teacher professional development and effective communication, and has conducted many school reviews, including secondary Department reviews, Principal appraisals, and more recently Professional Growth Cycles, and as an advisor in the appointment of principals and other senior leaders.
As a Growth Coaching International Accredited Coach and EMCC Senior Practitioner and Coach, Jan is passionate about the difference coaching can make. She facilitates several of The Education Group’s coaching programmes, has extensive experience in coaching senior and middle leaders and helps schools embed coaching into ‘how they do things’.
Her network of professional contacts and work with Principals and in schools gives her detailed knowledge of the educational community and current developments.