Pigeon Mountain Primary School
Tumuaki | Principal
Roll: 550+
Pigeon Mountain Primary School is a vibrant State Primary School, catering to students from Year 0 to Year 6, with a vision to provide Education with a Heart - an idea that results in responding and catering for each student in a holistic way. Established in 1979, our school has grown and evolved to meet the needs of modern learners, currently serving 550+ students of diverse backgrounds. Located in the beautiful coastal environment of Half Moon Bay Marina, Bucklands Beach, and near the significant historical site of Ōhuiarangi, we take full advantage of our unique surroundings for rich, rigorous, and locally focused learning experiences.
Pigeon Mountain Primary School creates an exceptional learning environment with a strong focus on success across a broad range of learning areas. The school is an inclusive and culturally diverse community, welcoming to learners of all abilities. The staff embody and values of the school and work collaboratively to bring out the best in every learner.
Our new principal will…
- Demonstrate effective schoolwide leadership
- Create a positive and supportive environment helps staff to thrive and encourages professional growth
- Understand the ethos of the school - ‘education with a heart’ and its values: respect, resilience, responsibility and excellence
- Set a clear strategic vision for the school
- Be highly visible, present and engaged
- Promote high standards of success with a focus on academic and personal growth for all students
- Bring cultural capability and an understanding of the bicultural nature of education
- Value multicultural inclusiveness and diversity with a bicultural foundation
- Have the skills and attributes that will build stronger partnerships with parents, whānau, iwi and the local and wider communities
- Effectively lead the operational aspects including finances, property, people and organisational management
Details to arrange a school visit are on page 7 of the Application Pack.
Applications close 1:00 pm Friday 21 February 2025.
Position commences Term 2, 2025 (28 April 2025) or as negotiated.