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Contact Rowan Johanson
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Rowan Johanson

MEdLd, BE, GradDipTchg (Secondary), GradDipTheol

Rowan is a director of The Education Group. He has previously worked as a secondary school Deputy Principal, mathematics teacher, Business Analyst, and rugby coach. He has a passion and focus in promoting equity and success for a school’s most vulnerable students. He is currently completing a Master of Educational Leadership with a focus on the role of data for school improvement and teacher professional learning.

Current areas of expertise include effective school and department self-review and review, teacher, leadership and classroom coaching, assessment for learning, restorative practice, professional development, and school curriculum development. He has worked extensively in the areas of mentoring of students and student achievement tracking to inform effective academic and pastoral interventions.

Services to schools involve knowledge of current research and the ability to translate this into practical strategies for school leaders and teachers, as well as ensuring students’ learning needs take priority and that the school is a well-functioning and effective learning community.

All sessions by Rowan Johanson

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Being an Effective Head of Department
For all new HODs/HOLs/HOFs/HOLAs, or those who want to refresh their leadership practice, this programme looks at all aspects of the role and its responsibilities.
Next date
12 Aug & 13 Aug 2024 Online
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Being an Effective Dean
For Deans to clarify their leadership role and responsibilities, strengthen communication skills, provide strategies for working with students, colleagues and parents, opportunities to share ideas for managing priorities, time and workload​.
Next date
25 Jul & 26 Jul 2024 Online
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Leading Assessment for Learning: Secondary
Assessment for Learning is a national PLD priority. This online programme provides senior and curriculum leaders with the knowledge and strategies to lead the effective implementation of AfL practices across their school.
Next date
4 Sep & 5 Sep 2024 Online
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Coaching in Leadership
Designed for current and aspiring leaders in educational settings, this workshop offers an extended learning experience. Coaching in Leadership is a highly practical and evidence-based workshop that provides in-depth learning about the theory and application of coaching as a contemporary way of leading.
Next date
30 Jul & 31 Jul & 24 Sep & 25 Sep 2024 Auckland
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Introduction to Leadership Coaching
This practical course explores all three elements of effective coaching practice: the GROWTH conversational framework; the key coaching skills; a coaching Way of Being; and how to apply these in a range of conversational contexts.
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1 Aug & 2 Aug 2024 Auckland
10 Sep & 11 Sep 2024 Auckland
16 Sep & 23 Sep 2024 Online
Auckland, Online
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The Impact Cycle
Practical support for Senior and Middle Leaders to achieve powerful improvements in teaching and learning. You will learn how to strengthen the conversations with teachers and how to make observations purposeful to achieve positive shifts in teaching and learning practice and improve Professional Growth Cycle outcomes.
Next date
29 Aug & 30 Aug 2024 Auckland
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