Leading Assessment for Learning: Secondary

For Secondary Leaders with Curriculum and/or Assessment Responsibilities – DPs in charge of Curriculum and Assessment and/or PLD, SCTs, Kāhui Ako Within and Across School Lead Teachers, HODs

Dates and Locations
4 Sep & 5 Sep 2024 Online
6 May & 7 May 2025 Auckland
  • $695 + GST per person or $625 pp for 3 or more registrations from the same school

  • $625 + GST online workshop

  • If registering more than one person, please use comments section of the registration form and include name and email addresses of each person attending

Cancellation Policy

Assessment for Learning (AfL) is a national PLD priority because it is such important and proven pedagogy. It is fundamental to effective teaching and learning, culturally responsive practices and improving student progress and achievement.

Although the philosophy and practices of Assessment for Learning are not new, it is challenging for leaders to embed high impact AfL strategies in classrooms, to build coherence in systems and practices, and effectively lead this process within schools, and across Kāhui Ako.

This two-day workshop will provide leaders with the knowledge and strategies they need to carry out this key role.

Workshop content:
  • Unpacking principles and purposes of assessment, linking these to the new NELP, your local curriculum, the Curriculum Refresh and changes to NCEA
  • Understanding how to embed AfL within culturally responsive practice
  • Integrating AfL into the design and planning of new NCEA standards; debunking the myths around NCEA and assessment
  • Leading the development and implementation of high impact, practical AfL teaching strategies in the classroom and across your school
  • Developing data literate teachers and assessment capable students
  • Leading change - processes and practices that will support the implementation and sustainability of PLD and with an AfL focus
  • Having quality conversations with your teachers about their AfL practices
Your fee includes:
  • The two-day workshop
  • A comprehensive workbook, including key PPT slides
  • A set of excellent articles on Assessment for Learning

What others have said

Thank you to both Jan and Julie. This was outstanding PLD which has already impacted our leadership and outcomes back at school. The learning was delivered in a highly engaging way and gave opportunities to work with a range of people and hear their stories.
Lee-Anne Maxwell
Associate Principal, Conifer Grove School
The whole 3 days was awesome. Was sceptical of PLD as often lots of them are not very practical and hard to actually see in real life. This was the opposite and very helpful.
Ryan Cox
Assistant Principal, Hillcrest High School

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