Julie Schumacher
B Ed Tchg; Te Ara Reo Maori level 1 and 2 Cert; ISLC (International School Leadership Cert); Leadership in Catholic Schools Cert; Higher Dip Tchg; Dip Tchg;
Julie has an extensive background of over 30 years leading change in schools. Until recently, she was Principal at Clevedon School in Auckland. She has led the school for the past 10 years on a successful improvement pathway from being in statutory management to becoming an extremely successful, high performing school. She was the Lead Principal in the Howick Coast Kāhui Ako in East Auckland and has worked to lead the successful development of collaborative practice and improvement from early childhood through to secondary across the seven schools within this Kahui Ako. She led the cluster implementation of the new Learning Support Delivery model.
Julie has completed the International School Leadership Programme with Waikato University and has delivered modules of this programme focused on Collaborative Inquiry and Leading Improvement in the Classroom. As part of her leadership in Catholic Schools, she completed her Leadership In Catholic Schools Certificate.
Prior to her position at Clevedon, Julie worked at The University of Auckland alongside Professor John Hattie as a school advisor, leading professional development in the use of e-asTTle as a tool for formative assessment and to improve classroom practice. She also travelled extensively in New Zealand and Australia presenting and implementing the Visible Learning research philosophy in schools. Julie’s experience and expertise include school governance, leadership/ management, curriculum, coaching and mentoring, organisation culture and change, working in schools having difficulties, and developing quality teaching and assessment for learning practices (visible learning) across the school.
She is experienced in working with Senior Leadership teams, Middle Leaders, Kāhui Ako, and teachers in the areas of organisational improvement, strategic planning, coaching/mentoring, curriculum leadership, effective pedagogical practices. She is a passionate leader with high expectations and understanding of how quality education can make a difference for all students.