Professional Learning & Development
MOE PLD | Professional Learning Groups – Principals, DPs and APs, Middle Leaders | One on one coaching, team coaching | Board and governance training | HR Profiling – DISC | Leading effective meetings.
Please contact us to discuss your requirements.
The Education Group continues to tailor professional learning development for schools across Aotearoa. As an accredited Ministry of Education provider, long term development for kura and Kāhui Ako are key components of our work. We listen to the client and work collaboratively to develop highly effective development plans including pre and post evaluations of the outcomes.Some key areas of strength are:
- MoE professional learning and development Professional Learning groups of senior leaders
- A range of leadership programmes – both workshops and bespoke
- One on one, group and school based coaching Board and governance development and training Strategic Development and planning
- Development of team and individual profiles using HR profiling – DISC model
- School administration review and development support
- Development of pedagogy e.g., formative assessment, curriculum refresh, local curriculum; collaborative teaching and learning
- Development post reviews or restructure
For over twenty years the high demand continues for The Education Group Directors to facilitate professional development groups for Principals, Deputy Principals, Assistant Principal and Senior Leaders. The focus has been on providing professional and personal development and support. Senior Leaders say that this happens best when they are operating in a group where there is a high level of trust and rapport. Experience has shown that an independent facilitator is crucial to the success of the group. Directors are highly experienced facilitators and coaches.
Critical Friend support can be incorporated into an appraisal process or contracted separately. These meetings are for current leaders with the purpose being to work one to one on goals, topics and/or issues identified by the leader. The Directors take a solutions focused approach and can include both coaching and mentoring. The result is a clear way forward for the participant.
We provide tailored professional learning opportunities for Principals and senior, middle and aspiring leaders. This can be one on one or with groups, both within and across schools, to support them to be effective leaders of learning.
All Directors are internationally accredited leadership coaches and enjoy working 1:1 with current and aspiring leaders, within schools and across schools, including Communities of Learning (COL) | Kāhui Ako.
Personalised coaching is available for professionals experiencing difficulties that is future and solutions focused.
We also facilitate public and in-house coaching programmes
Effective governance is a key element of successful schools. All Directors bring a range of governance experience and skills and are happy to tailor Board training needs for each school or groups of schools.
As a company, we are accredited to work with individuals and teams to administer, interpret and help schools to used Extended DISC Behavioural (or Personal) Analysis Assessment to enhance your school or organisations performance. This is one of the world’s most advanced and fastest growing psychometric systems. This will help with Principal and senior leadership appointments and the effective functioning of leadership teams and support career development.
This development involves the development of facilitation skills, group dynamics, personality team profiling and the construction of effective agendas that will maximise the effectiveness of time and improve the outcomes of meetings.