Advanced Coaching Practice
For experienced coaches (2+ years of practice) looking to deepen and extend their coaching practice

This course is for experienced coaches who are interested in taking their practice to the next level. It is designed to support active reflection on your current coaching practice leading to new insight and awareness. The course, based on the book Advanced Coaching Practice co-authored by Professor Christian van Nieuwerburgh and David Love, will support you to address the question “how can I be of even better service to those around me?”
Advanced Coaching Practice Video (5 mins)
- Develop a deeper appreciation of the complexity of advanced coaching practice
- Enhance your awareness of the psychological tensions of coaching practice
- Elevate and expand your understanding of the concept of your ‘way of being’ in coaching
- Become a more responsive and flexible coach, able to manage tensions as they arise
- Reflection on current practice
- The GROWTH Framework through an advanced lens
- Moving to unconscious competence
- Impact on your clients
- The nine tensions of coaching
- Continuous reflective practice
- Development of the skill of noticing (observation, thought and interpretation)
- Coaching supervision: benefits and importance
Learning Design
Research-informed, Practitioner-focused
At GCNZ, we believe that we act our way into learning rather than learn our way into acting. With this principle in mind, all of our courses have a strong emphasis on practice. This course will focus on deepening your you observe yourself in your practice, what you notice and how this enhances your coaching and the experience for your clients.
A Learning Design to Enable Praxis
When we are engaged in praxis we are reflecting in action – taking what we are learning and applying it in real-life situations. Our in-person and online courses enable praxis through a ‘coaching approach’ to facilitation combined with a range of thoughtfully designed adult learning experiences including:
- individual and group reflection activities
- co-operative learning tasks
- practice opportunities using real workplace scenarios
- modelling
- observation and feedback
- debrief sessions
Flexible Modes of Delivery
The Advanced Coaching Practice course is available in:
- Three 2-hour modules spread over 9 weeks
- 4:00 - 6:00 pm
- This course is only offered online