Symposium: Coaching for Impact - Sustaining Change Through Learning Conversations

Dates and Locations
9 Aug 2024 Auckland


Friday 9 August 2024
8:30 am - 3:30 pm
Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron,
Westhaven Marina, Auckland

Symposium Programme
available for downloading

Featuring Keynote Speakers:

Christian van Nieuwerburgh, Consulting Professor, Growth Coaching International

Coaching for Impact and Sustainability: Prioritising Wellbeing
In this keynote, Christian will highlight the importance of sustainability in coaching. Coaching is an intervention designed to bring about sustained and sustainable changes to behaviours and ways of thinking. At the same time, we should pay closer attention to the wellbeing of our clients and those around them. How can we ensure that we do not inadvertently add pressure on our clients? And finally, we must look after our own wellbeing too. The practice of coaching must be sustainable for us. How can we care for ourselves so that we can be of better service to others?

Chris Munro, Executive Director of Growth Coaching International

Leading Learning Conversations: Conversation Contexts for Impact
Conversation is the medium through which leadership is lived out in schools and a ‘coaching approach’ has emerged as a highly effective way of leading in these complex human-intensive organisations. Regardless of organisational structure or prevailing policy framework; influence, learning, and progress happen through conversation. Fundamentally, change is enabled or inhibited by how we talk, and what we talk about, in the myriad of conversation contexts that present themselves throughout the school day.

The ‘Learning Conversations Map’ proposes a way of representing and organising the range of contexts where a ‘conversation leader’ may intentionally support the learning of another through conversation. This keynote presentation will introduce the four quadrants of the Learning Conversations Map: Formal Coaching Conversations; Review and Development Conversations; Leader-initiated Conversations; and Other-initiated (in-the-moment) Conversations.

Pip Carter, Connection and Engagement Expert

'Showing Up Stronger’
Pip Carter believes that we are all 100% in control of how we show up in the world. The starting point for any kind of change starts with us, and how we show up, shape up and build up ourselves to bring the best version of us to the world. She wished she’d known this when she was at high school – if she had, they might not have asked her to leave!

Get ready for some provocation, inspiration and a learning conversation with yourself.

This closing Keynote focuses on bringing together the learnings of the day, reflecting and holding up a mirror to ourselves.

How do we take what we’ve learned and apply it to show up as a better coach, not only for others, but for ourselves? What needs to ‘shift and lift’ in our coaching practice? How do we ensure we are bringing the best of ourselves, so we can give our best to others?

This session is about self-awareness and a learning conversation with ourselves. Designed to get clarity on how and where we can show up and have greater impact, as new and improved versions of us in our coaching practice and in life.

Download the programme to plan your day. (No bookings are required for breakouts/workshops.)

Places are filling fast, book your spot today!

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