Intensive Coaching Module

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$2365.00 + GST

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(formerly Coaching Accreditation Programme Phase 4)

The Intensive Coaching module is now a stand-alone programme for those who have completed the Coaching In Leadership (Previously Coaching Accreditation Programme), Introduction to Leadership Coaching, Solutions Focus Master Class, The Impact Cycle or other Coaching training.

Undertaking the Intensive Coaching Module provides the opportunity to deepen your knowledge, skills and experience of coaching. This is achieved by:

  • Gaining additional insights into coaching through the experience of being coached by a skilled coach
  • Receiving coaching supervision and support for the coaching that you undertake with real coachees in your workplace
  • Receiving feedback on your coaching through the ‘Coach the Coach’ process
  • Ongoing structured written reflection on the experience of coaching your coachees and your own development

Specifically, the Intensive Coaching Module (Formerly Phase 4) comprises the following activities:

  • Reading the Information for Participants booklet prior to session 1 with your coach.
  • Six 1-hour sessions with your coach who will provide you with support and supervision of your coaching.
    Coaching 2 coachees, who you select, for 6 x 1 hour sessions each, submitting a coaching log of sessions completed for each.
  • Writing a brief, structured reflection on each of the 6 sessions with one of your coachees with each reflection used as the basis of the next session with your coach.
  • Completing a Coach the Coach session, coaching your coach, engaging in a reflective conversation about your coaching and receiving written feedback.
  • Writing a short, reflective summary of key insights gained from your coaching journey through ICM receiving affirming, developmental feedback.

Howick Coast Kāhui Ako Coaching - Case Study Report

Mark Keenan - Maraetai Beach School
Jane Ginders - Howick Intermediate

The Howick Coast Kāhui Ako (7 schools based in Auckland NZ) has recently completed a case study on teacher coaching across schools. The purpose of the study was to explore how senior leaders design and implement teacher coaching programmes that are sustainable and improves outcomes for all teachers and students. The study highlighted the positive impact coaching can have on school culture, student outcomes, collaboration, sharing of practice and quality of conversations between teachers.

What others have said

This module has been a really valuable process - I've enjoyed it, been challenged, and learned a lot. Thank you for your support throughout!
Alanna Molloy
Curriculum Leader/AP, Chaucer School

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